Factory Team Rider / Drew Bezanson

What’s your origin story? How did you become a BMX rider?
I grew up outside of a small town in Nova Scotia. When I first learned to ride a bicycle I would pretend it was a dirt bike emulating motocross. There was a youth center that opened up when I was 11 that had ramps. The feeling I had after riding the park once was indescribable, it was just me and my BMX bike and everything else faded away.
Who or what led you to your chosen riding path?
The freedom that I obtained from riding wasn’t comparable to anything else. There was no right or wrong way to do it. It was a way to explore faster than my own two feet.
What is your favorite type of riding or terrain now?
My favorite type of terrain to ride would be wooden skateparks or trails. Unfortunately, I don’t get to ride trails nearly as much as I would like.
What is your current bike setup?
I am currently rideing a DK V3 team frame and the Airborne Skyhawk DJ.
I have so many BMX influences. I grew up during the mid-school BMX days which is my favorite generation of riding for sure. To name a few riders, Morgan Wade, Mike Aitken, Van Homan, Chris Doyle, Dave Mirra, Ryan Nyquist, Danny Hickerson, Gary Young, Rob Darden, Jamie Bestwick... The list could go on and on if I popped in an old Props DVD.
Where can people finding you riding most days?
These days I’m living in Ontario, Canada so people can find me riding at Joyride 150 or any of the local parks around the area. I also have a rad backyard ramp that I ride whenever the sun is out.
Thoughts on riding for DK?
I love riding for DK. They were the first brand that gave me the opportunity to live my dream. If it wasn’t for DK I don't know if the last 10 years would have happened.
Projects in the works?
I have a Red Bull project for next year, I want to do another Joyride 150 edit, and also a 10-year DK edit.